Joint pain? This is What You Should be Doing


Joint pain? This is What You Should be Doing

That moment, when you are playing with your kid or when you are trying to enjoy a quality time with your wife, a sudden pain occurs and ruins the whole beautiful picture that you framed it would be. This is how slowly and steadily joint pain is affecting your social life. And, not only social, it may or it is definitely coming in the way of your office work. So, is it possible to completely eradicate pain from the life? Or are there other mediums that can help you minimize the effect of the pain, especially if you are suffering from serious disorder like, arthritis?
Joint pain can be caused by many factors, but arthritic pain ranks first in severity and causing disability in the patients. Pain endures an incredible amount of stress, and although, your joints are adept to cope with stress, but sometimes wear and tear causes severe pain that becomes impossible to control. You may be an early arthritic or already an arthritic patient, but in both the cases there are number of things that you can do to alleviate the pain, as well as prevent it. Let’s find out.

Joint Pain? This is what you should be doing

Lose weight 

The first and the foremost thing comes is ‘weight loss’. Weight makes a great impact on the amount of pain you suffer from arthritis. Little or more extra weight puts more pressure on your joints—including knee, feet and hips. Reducing weight enhances your mobility, decreases pain and any future damages. Now, this looks simple! Try it!

More and Some More Exercise 

Most of the arthritics will think exercising is impossible or it is totally out of question. But, as water, if stagnant, gets contaminated and worsen over time, same is with your joints. Regular body movements are essential maintaining your joints mobility and flexibility. Try simple and light exercises that further cause no pain to the joints. A little movement daily is vital.

Cold-Hot Therapy 

Cold therapy reduces blood flow and therefore, reduces tissue swelling. Apply the ice pack when you experience the swelling for the first time. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Whereas, hot therapy, taking hot bath or warm shower helps easing the stiffness in your joints and brings mobility. Your call!

Give Acupuncture a try 

Acupuncture is supposed to regenerate energy and restore balance in the body. It is an ancient Chinese medical treatment that includes thin needles inserting into different parts of the body. Acupuncture is completely safe in arthritis, provided you get it treated from an expert acupuncturist.

Anti-inflammatory diet

Is such diet available? Yes, of course. A diet rich in anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties is helpful alleviating pain. Such diet includes eating green and leafy vegetables such as, spinach, lettuce, kale, cabbage and broccoli. It also includes consuming citrus fruits like, limes, grapefruits, oranges, berries and cherries. These fruits and vegetables are rich source antioxidant, helping neutralize the unstable molecule called free radicals that causes damage to the cells. Moreover, include foods in the diet that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids like fish and fish oil supplements.

Consider herbal supplements 

Medical market is flooded with herbal supplements that claim to curb joint pain due to arthritis. But, you have to vigilant and choose the safest from the reputed brand. Consisting of four potent herbs that are proven to curb the arthritis pain, Quanto Proflex Plus, is safe, herbal and natural supplement for joint pain. It stimulates cartilage metabolism and joint mobility. It reduces stiffness, pain and inflammation. Quanto Proflex plus is the complete nutrition for joints, pure, herbal and natural.

It is always recommended to consult your physician, doctor or dietitian before trying any of the above mentioned. Try these and feel the difference, experience the quality of life. Say good bye to pain! Be the happy, like always!

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